Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here I am !!

A long sabbatical it sure has been!!

and anyway, I have always been spontaneous, to the extent of being too impulsive and irregular....
its always, as and when and what i feel like doing.....i hate compulsions!
but I realized that I aint Edison or Newton or Vivekananda who let their greatness ooze out spontaneously, now.
I guess a little rigour would do no harm, and impulsiveness can be curtailed also
so, a new post.....and dedicated to the 'Wanderer, who wandered onto my site and put in a encouraging post.........
wanderer, i cant get rid of these dots .....its just that i write as i think, and its my way of showing the conjunction between the two.....i hope i will come up with something different sometime, but till then, it continues!
see you latter!!!!