Saturday, August 18, 2007

My College Days

Sometimes we wait for a special occasion,

To say what we feel through the year.

It is difficult for the people to comprehend the significance of a situation as and when they encounter. It is much later that it comes to the fore. It was a bright rather hot morning on 16th May 2002 that I first entered (to attend the class) in Christ College, as a student. I must confess that there was nothing grand or imposing about the building.Infact it was much more than my expectation. I was all jitters when I entered the first class but as time went I was a different person. Every institution has its own atmosphere culture, ethos, and so of ours.

My memory of those early days is of Father George principal walking down to the classroom in every period and constantly peeping the words of confidence in us and helping us in every moment to Mr. Venkatesh. Seeming him everybody was scuttling in to classes. I remember the nervousness that we all faced as first batch for Bioinformatics. As I look back with pride and deep sense of nostalgia of my years spent in this college I don't, but recall the phase that we passed through.

We have survived the non existence of roads to college, non-existing of books in library in the initial years, disappointment and frustration gnawed in heart seeing the friend leaving the course, management politics, classes without professors, practical classes onpapers, and thirteen different natured people. Necessity is the mother of inventions and tribulations bring out the best in man. We have stood as a team bound tight by a sense of commitment, a hallmark of each one of us. Many battles fought at all level, we have tasted the ecstasy of victory and humiliation of defeat and each teaching us a new lesson and a new value to be imbibed. This determination and commitment has churned out best in each one of us and we are the people of competence, conscience, and compassionate commitment.

In end everything looked so very different so very changed-fortune seemed to be smiling on us, happiness seemed to be crown our parents and the night seemed to aglow with the scintillating stars. As we look up to thank God for all it Courage given we found a star winking at ours.It's a paramount importance to have a sense of pride and loyalty to our institution. With these memories of past and a vision for the future we shall confidently move forward to take our rightful place in the 21st century. Let me conclude with the words of......

We are blind until we see
That in the human plan
Nothing is worth the making
If it does not make the man.
Why build these the cities glorious
If man unbuild goes?
In vain we build this world
Unless the builder also grows.

Wishing you all the "Best of Luck" for all your future endeavors!!!

1 comment:

Atap Ojha said...

Nice one mate. Keep posting more