Friday, January 25, 2008

While I await New Year.....

Lots of New Year love to whomsoever is reading this! All the nice wishes and all sorts of wonderful things to you!!
And now that all the love is done with, here is contempt.

I had been hibernating for a while, did not feel like writing any since long. Had lots of random thoughts, vague feelings, strong emotions, futile tensions, unconnected chain of thoughts in short. This mood swing began with call from my younger sister on 31st January informing me about the detoriating health of my father. Since then all negative thoughts engraved me and I started feeling restless.

And then it becomes a vicious circle, one thought leads to another and I end up exhausted and it kills the fun. Then I start thinking, why am I thinking so negative all about this when dad is yet to have undergone through check up? These thoughts forced me to have best possible permutations and combinations to bring result. After numerous ISD calls, finally me and sister, reached to the conclusion that she will rush home as soon as possible and take dad to CMC Vellore for best possible treatment.

It’s the only time I ever wish to have the power of Krishna to have multiple existence!!

So once dad was in CMC, now the turn was to wait eagerly for numerous reports and at the same time praying to get it all negative. I bet never in life time people pray and pay so much to get all negative results.
Screw that!!

While during those low days, all I need is to go read some Dilbert strips and try to back on being myself. While the doctors reported negative medical test one after another, my focus was back on reading some Dilbert and I think it is a very difficult job to deliver something so consistently insane all the times. Hats off to Scott adams for pulling it off for so long!!

Finally, the final medical report came yesterday and I am pretty relieved.

Nothing serious and it was just minor anemia and lung infection which can be treated without applying any rocket science. I think my dad has just got burnt off with work and all kind of mental tensions which he has to bear alone for past few months which began with untimely death of my grandfather and then my sister weeding. I hope that with change in environment and long vacation he will be back to business.
So, the Dilbert effects have also started showing result on me. I Know! I know! I am in an exuberant mood today and today is the rare day in this month when I am quite relaxed. Secondly the motivation to come back to my little space on web came from my well wisher on blog, Ruchir, Shilpi, Christel and many other friends. Sorry guys for keeping you wait for so long : .

Today its weekend and I am just in my mood and be myself and few Carlsberg. The beautiful songs of Enrique, Insommniac is making my eyes wet. Wonderful songs ..particularly “Miss you” and many other...As I write, effects of Carlsberg is gripping me and I think its enough with a promise to keep posting regularly from now on.

Last but not the least thanks to Keshavi di and Ravi for all timely help !!.

Have a nice weekend!!

1 comment:

P S said...

Here I can feel the depth of all u said....My prayers for ur Dad....