Sunday, August 2, 2009

Who has better sex?

Had an interesting discussion yesterday on prostitution and I realized the world is full of varied opinions on the topic.

Its ok when you’re horny and you have no other choice.

Its easier than the baggage of a relationship.

I have to spend too much time working at a real woman to get her into bed.

I’ll never pay for sex, that just takes the magic out of it.

I prefer to be with a woman who wants to be with me for the sheer pleasure of it.

I can’t sleep with a prostitute, it’ll be too mechanical and I won’t enjoy it as much.

I sleep with prostitutes but I’ll admit that when its someone I feel something for, its loads better.

I actually have fun with prostitutes, its not what everyone thinks, when its a pro, she knows how to make you enjoy yourself.

She pretends that she likes me and its almost playful.

Prostitutes are disgusting, why would anyone want to have sex with someone who’s had half the city inside her?

I’m in a serious relationship, but I still get off doing it with a whore occasionally

Its too much of a thrill getting it on with a woman who you’re really into to want to pay for something that’s fake

I’ve never paid for sex so I can’t afford to really have an opinion. I don’t like smokers and drinkers giving me their opinion on things. But since it is my blog, I guess I can get to have my say here right?

I agree with some of the statements above. Its far better than emotional complications sometimes. You can enjoy it if you want to. But I also agree that the best sex happens when there’s a connection between the 2 people.

I also think that those people (women especially) who look down on prostitutes should stop and try to understand them once in a while. Someone said, no matter how desperate I am I’ll never stoop to that level. Why is prostitution a “level” below what you do? Everyone works hard at their jobs, and I would assume that even a prostitute wouldn’t make much money if she wasn’t good at what she does. I’m good at my job. She’s good at hers. This whole social stigma about the difference between a “respectable” job and prostitution sucks. Look at countries like Thailand who have proper red light districts. Its a professional business for them. Bringing in millions every year. No one who goes to that country can come back saying they didn’t get some kind of sexual kick out of it. If we had a proper system like that here, we’d have better quality prostitutes, well groomed and clean. This country wouldn’t be in dire straits financially either.India as a country is far more beautiful than Thailand any day. So add a few more thrills to it and I honestly think we can surpass them. We’d go back to the 60’s style of make love and not war. Don’t you think people would be far too busy getting in on to get off on this war anymore?

Another thing, its the common assumption that prostitution is something one resorts to when they run out of any possible other options to make money. It maybe true to a great extent in this country, and if it is the case, I wonder why no one bothers to understand them. But I also think that there are times it is done out of choice. A career decision of sorts. Hardly ever here, but most certainly it is the case in other parts of the world. Its something you use your body to do, like a construction worker or a dancer. Some jobs are physical and others are intellectual. Isn’t that just the way it goes?

I know I may have shocked some people and ruffled some feathers with my loose and moral free opinion here. But I think there are bigger sins in the world that prostitution. Its one of the oldest trades in the world after all. It couldn’t have survived millenia if there wasn’t a need for it. Its my opinion. Its my blog. So there.

Back to my original point though. Sex is meant to be had. But a connection between the two (or many) people who have it makes it much more than just having it. Its just out of this world. Even a five minute fuck in a corridor is nicer when you look into that person’s eyes and know the effect you have on them and vice versa.

Sex for me goes beyond the physical and its always better to be had that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice that you put all these opinions on the table. regardless of morals, it has been noticed that men or women prostitutes often belong to vulnerable parts of society and to an extent, they are exploited for this vulnerability. which is why in Sweden, the customer is prosecuted, as directly taking advantage..